Monday, June 21, 2021


 I recently listened to Brene Brown. To be honest, I disagree with some of what she had to say, but I liked her worksheet.

The idea that most people have two values or traits that drive them is pretty spot on. I've been using a variant of that as a replacement for alignment in some games.

But I was reflecting on that recently. I'd bet that my wife is right when she says my personal motivating values are curiosity and loyalty.

Her values are diligence and kindness. I was reflecting on that as I thought about the three things I used to tell my kids.

Be kind, work hard, tell the truth.

It hit me that while I'm motivated by curiosity and loyalty, I value kindness and diligence, if that makes sense. And it is no surprise that the two I value the most are the two that define my wife.

It has been giving me thought.

For game (and conflict resolution -- see purposes, I have been defining values in the trait pairs.


  1. Chaste.......  /.....Lustful
  2. Energetic.... /.....Lazy
  3. Forgiving.... /.....Vengeful
  4. Generous... /.....Selfish
  5. Honest......  /.....Deceitful
  6. Just.........    /.....Arbitrary
  7. Merciful....   /.....Cruel
  8. Modest....... /.....Proud
  9. Pious........   /.....Worldly
  10. Prudent.....  /.....Reckless
  11. Temperate  /.....Indulgent
  12. Reliable....   /.....Feckless
  13. Trusting....  /.....Suspicious
  14. Valorous...  /.....Cowardly

But, in Mistworld, I really have positive versions and twisted or malfunctioning versions.

Eg.  Brave .... / .... Cautious would be the real replacement for 14, above, with;

   Foolhardy .../ .... Cowardly as the twisted versions.  That allows me to recognize that there is a positive form of valorous and a negative form, a positive form of cautious and a cowardly form.  It perhaps means that the list needs some modification (e.g. Prudent/Reckless overlaps with Foolhardy/Cowardly).  

I've been using the system by having players pick five of these (out of 28) to define their characters, with one that is more significant than the others.  I probably need to rethink the list somewhat and work out each of the pairs into sets of two pairs (the positive and the negative versions).

But I'm rethinking it all.